
Plastic Extrusion_Point Clouds

Started to think about different parameters for the random generation of points based on the input grasshopper curves.  One of these thoughts led me to think of the two grasshopper curves framing the extents of the script in space and use them as bookends.  Then generate points based off the rebuilt grasshopper curves and their new control points as the limits.  Adding an extra variable of the location of the mouse in the x position allows another dynamic input.

 The curves serve as a bounding box for the input of random points, also assigned a random color.  We are hoping to use color as a way to sort the point cloud. 

As I drag the mouse to the right, the cloud follows

The exported points in rhino are in gray scale in this image to clarify the bounding control points from the grasshopper curves (shown in red)  Processing will export the colored points as well.  Next is working on some more control over how to apply the random point function for a more intelligent input into grasshopper for form generation.

Form from grasshopper

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