Robotic Coloration | Formal Definition
This is the primary image behind the formal genesis of our project. As a concept, we are interested in the possibility of understanding a 3D form the same way you would read a 2D Rorschach image, and how surface coloration [currently being tested by Jennie and Matt] can start to factor in to how the form is interpreted.
We developed a new form generation technique that focuses on a single element rather than the image as a whole. This process has significantly increased the processing time and allowed for smoother geometric definition. I ran into several problems with the technique that I was using the last time we spoke, particularly the method from which surfaces were being trimmed to create volume. This similar method seems to be generating geometry that we can work.
Column iterations and field aggregation.
Start of the scale model fabrication process
Conical Booleans_Panelization Tests
These are the tests of different sizes of cones to cut within one panel.
Edge condition. The radius of the cones is large but they are shallow.
Both the radius and the height of the cones inside are affected by the attracting point.
Conical Booleans_Panelization
Building off the last post about generating a regulating grid for our boolean operations, this next study looks at how we can more towards a panel system for aggregation and production. Using the grid we created, we established hexagon shaped panels roughly 2' in diameter. The largest cones are given to the center points on the perimeter of the panels so that each panel will have the same edge condition. This allows us to use a single panel with multiple orientations. The cones existing in the interior of the panel respond to an attractor point which creates variations in size. Using this process we are able to have a single panel that can be aggregated on any of its 6 sides.
Diagram of grid and cone placement
Again, the cones used for these studies are only placeholders and we are thinking they need to get bigger and greater quantity to allow for more intersections.
Chroma // October 25, 2012 // Mappings
Chroma // 10/25/12
Mapping and Color Manipulation
We started off the week by manipulating Rorschach images with gradient overlays to produce more calibrated 3D displacement maps and color manipulations.

From this point it will be about generating a more specific column/field condition, which should begin to inform the logic of coloration (sharp and hard to reinforce structure, or soft and diffuse to create a more inviting atmosphere).
Conical Booleans_Geometric Orders
One of the Trajectories taken by our group this week was to start to bring some "order" to the method in which we were booleaning. This is in response to the desire to both set up a method for paneling and joints, but also to control the final boolean operations in an effort to think more about opening/light/sound and other atmospheric conditions.
To do this we look at a variety of different geometric configurations to use as a baseline for our boolean operations. The idea is to set up a grid through geometric configurations and then use that grid to generate a point grid. The point grid can then be used as the center points for cones/hyperbolics which can be randomly assigned to these points.
Above is the final grid made out of a "flattened" icosahedron. (3D shape with 20 faces)
For the moment, the cones used in this trial are only placeholders.
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