
Sworf_formerly Team Boolean

Final test diagrams for transparency overlays to go over the 3D prints in the presentation cases.  Each of the (4) presentation cases will have both of these diagrams spaced about an inch apart and approx. 2 inches above the 3D print.  Both diagrams will be the same for each case, however the information will be focused on the specific panel.  These diagrams are for Panel A.

The top diagram (above) describes the boolean logic with descriptions and details for each of the boolean geometries for Panel A.  It also highlights the locations of Panel A within the pattern to give an idea of aggregation.

The bottom diagram (above) describes the linework and geometry of the panels as well as the locations of all apertures.  It also highlights the concavity and depth of Panel A with shading in each of its locations within the pattern.

When printed on transparency and overlapped the two diagrams work well to highlight the specific details of a single panel within the system without overloading the space with information.  The cases for the other (3) panels will be in the same fashion but highlighted the specific panel in question.

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